${url} ${browser} Opens a new browser instance to the optional ``url``. Opening browser 'chrome' to base url 'https://www.ebay.com/'. Maximizes current browser window. //*[@id="gh-ac"] ${search_text_list}[1] Types the given ``text`` into the text field identified by ``locator``. Typing text 'mobile' into text field '//*[@id="gh-ac"]'. xpath://*[@id="gh-btn"] RETURN Simulates the user pressing key(s) to an element or on the active browser. Sending key(s) ('RETURN',) to xpath://*[@id="gh-btn"] element. Pressing special key RETURN to element. Releasing special key RETURN. ${search_result} ${search_text_list}[1] Verifies that current page contains ``text``. Current page contains text 'výsledků'. Closes the current browser. This test case verifies the basic search Functional ${url} ${browser} Opens a new browser instance to the optional ``url``. Opening browser 'chrome' to base url 'https://www.ebay.com/'. Maximizes current browser window. //*[@id="gh-as-a"] Click the element identified by ``locator``. Clicking element '//*[@id="gh-as-a"]'. Closes the current browser. This test case verifies the advanced search Functional Basic Search Funcianality All Tests Functional Verify search functionality Error in file 'C:\Users\lukas\Mega\Data\GitHub\Robot_Framework\RobotSelenium\Mentor\Resources\PageObjects\SearchResultsPage.robot' on line 14: Creating keyword 'Select product condition' failed: User keyword cannot be empty. Error in file 'C:\Users\lukas\Mega\Data\GitHub\Robot_Framework\RobotSelenium\Mentor\Resources\PageObjects\SearchResultsPage.robot' on line 17: Creating keyword 'Select delivery options' failed: User keyword cannot be empty.